IronCamp Symposium 1 in Haus FeRRUM Ybbsitz

Designer Mirko Daneluzzo’s lecture guides the path to a progressive future.

The local context of forging and metal elaboration is being discussed at the excursion.

Summarizing the outcomes of the symposium in a finalizing press conference.
IronCamp Symposium 1:
Thomas Hochstädt (AUT), Susanne Rumpl (Logistische Organisation / Logistic Organization), Jadran Stenico (ITA), Arch. Dipl. Ing. Franz Sam (AUT / Gastvortragender / Guest Speaker), Mag.arch. Joseph Hofmarcher (Kurator / Curator), Dipl. Ing. Josef Lueger (Prozessbegleiter / Facilitator), Prof. Marta Kravchenko (UKR), Arch. Letitia Lopez (URU/AUT), Georg Kromoser (AUT), Peter Brunner (GER), Alexander Kamelhair (USA), Anton Vadovic (CZE), Nikolaus Frühwirt (AUT), Mirko Daneluzzo (ITA), Pavel Tovarek (CZE), Bgm. Josef Hofmarcher (Obmann des Vereines Schmiedezentrum Ybbsitz / Chairman of the association Schmiedezentrum Ybbsitz), Jokum Lind Jensen (DEN)

A group of thinkers in the Haus FeRRUM in Schmiedezentrum Ybbsitz (v.l.t.r.):
Mayor Josef Hofmarcher (chairman of project promoter Schmiedezentrum Ybbsitz), Josef Lueger (moderator, Austria), Nikolaus Frühwirth (Blacksmith, Austria), Georg Kromoser (material scientist, Austria), Marta Kravchenko (art historian, Ukraine), Joseph Hofmarcher (curator, architectural designer, Austria), Peter Brunner (Blacksmith, Germany), Mirko Daneluzzo (designer, Italy), Johannes Längauer (architect, Austria), Alexander Kamelhair (sculptor, Texas/USA), Letitia Lopez (architect, Uruguay/Austria), Petr Soudek (blacksmith, Czech Republic), Jadran Stenico (sculptor, Italy), Guillermina Moralez (blacksmith, Spain), Ondřej Géla (blacksmith, Czech Republic), Susanne Rumpl (organizer, Schmiedezentrum Ybbsitz), Thomas Hochstädt (blacksmith, Austria).